Hopf, Where Everybody Knows My Name
In the late 90s, there was a TV show called “Cheers” that I used to watch every evening after school. It was about a small bar in Boston where Sam, who had quit football, decided to become a bar owner, and Diane, who loved philosophy and literature, learned to be a waitress. The regulars all knew each other’s names. Whenever I hear the theme song, it reminds me of those brief moments of idleness in front of the TV in my school uniform, which was little more than a tablecloth.

On my second evening in Chiang Mai, I met Max by chance at another bar where I had met friends years ago. Due to the corona rules, nightlife ended early, but our small gang continued to enjoy the night by hopping from street to street in Chiang Mai. At the end of the night, Max mentioned he had a bar and invited us to drop by on Sunday.
On Sunday evening, I found Max’s bar on the map and set off from my hotel. When I walked in, everyone was surprised, likely because they thought I had only promised to come out of politeness. In the cozy place that looked like a small tropical paradise from the outside, I met everyone within five minutes and found myself deep in conversation. By the end of the night, I had a handful of new friends and different stories, thanks to the amazing music from various bands. Days turned into weeks, and now, almost on my 20th day in Chiang Mai, I spend some time every evening at Hopf, with our group growing and shrinking, and new stories coming into my life every day.
The Dream of Retirement at Hopf
For example, I listen to the love story of Steve and his wife, who came to Thailand four years ago. Steve had traveled alone to Thailand and then brought his wife here for their honeymoon to share the city and people he loved. They have a wonderful story that began on Halloween and culminated in a Halloween wedding. Whenever his wife leaves the bar or goes back to the hotel early to sleep, Steve shows us their wedding photos, leaving behind a man who misses his sleeping wife. There are people who retired and settled here, those who accidentally stumbled upon us while passing by, and those who, after living in a big city, got enchanted by Chiang Mai. Everyone has a unique story.
Advice is Free at Hopf
Among all the souls searching for themselves is Max, who tries to heal people with the spirit of a psychologist one day, a doctor the next, and a musician another day. Everyone is devoted to him. He has won everyone’s heart. We know that even if everyone leaves, he will always be there waiting for us. This feeling makes me bond with these people like a small family more and more each day.
Every day, I walk about 1 km from my hotel, smelling all the flowers on the street, to the place where everyone knows my name. The good feeling starts when I see the sign from a distance and intensifies as I pass through the flowers on the small wooden balcony and see Max and everyone else sitting there. I take my seat, accompany the music, admire the old Charlie Chaplin movies and mandalas playing on the wall, inhale the flower scents carried by the cool breeze from the fan, and take a sip of my icy Chang.
I honestly can’t remember the last time I felt this happy, peaceful, and calm. I, who have always avoided monotony, am in love with the small monotonous life I’ve created here.
Making a Wish
I wonder if, when I come back in four years, everything and everyone will still be in their place. Hopf, Max, the Charlie Chaplin on the wall, maybe Liz, who always drinks a bit too much, Steve, the retiree who extended his stay in Chiang Mai because of us, dear Hal, who always accompanies me with cheerful dances, my precious ones: Adam from England, Martina from Italy, and even hyperactive Kevin, whom we can’t keep still for a moment.
At least, I hope so. Who knows?
If you ever find yourself in Chiang Mai, I want you to visit this place for me. Sit at the table by the entrance and have a drink for me. Listen to the music, maybe even get up and dance. Say hi to Max and everyone for me. And don’t forget to say goodbye to Charlie when you leave.
Best wishes,
My lovely gang, I will miss you forever…
7 may 2022
Chiang Mai, Thailand